A woman making an online dating profile

Online Dating Resource

Wellness Blog

Associate Therapist, Sarah Al Baawadh

Our world has been changing, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we move into a new digital world, our dating life is now sparked through online dating apps. With life requirements, expenses, and post-lockdown, we became more comfortable socializing online rather than meeting new people in public. As we all know, we are creatures that enjoy being loved and providing love back where we can feel safe, wanted, validated, and accepted. I know a few friends who met through online dating apps; however, I also know people who were scammed and harmed through online dating. While it is normal and acceptable to use dating apps, there are risks and concerns that you need to pay close attention to. This blog is to discuss with you some tips for better and safer online dating while you are enjoying your time and swiping right or left.

Here are some online safety tips:

  • Take a screenshot of the person you are matching’s profile. Search their name and picture on the internet to see if their photos are taken from other people or stock photos.
  • Do not share live or motion pictures as it has geolocation attached.
    Search them on social media and look up if they use different names or provide misleading or fake information.
  • Do not reveal your personal information such as: Where you live, work, or where you hang out/places you go.
  • Do not give your number until you feel safe and built a connection.
  • Do not meet anyone if you don’t feel comfortable.
  • Do not transfer money to them even if they claim it’s an “emergency”.
  • Choose a photo you have not used anywhere else online; it prevents them from looking you up on your media.
  • Use separate email address for your dating apps and communication if possible.
    If being pressured to provide a number, create an online phone number and provide it, or use blocked numbers when calling them.
  • Learn about online sexual exploitation (upcoming blog soon), sexting, consent, and your boundaries.
  • Set boundaries.
  • Feel free to report, unmatch, or block if you are not feeling safe or something feels wrong. It is OKAY to block someone or unmatch, your safety comes first.
  • Do not open attachments or emails from anyone until you feel safe to do so, be aware of spam and viruses.
  • Video chat with them before meeting themmore than ONCE.

Avoid individuals who:

  • Ask for financial assistance in any way (most often their excuse is due to personal crisis).
  • Claims to be a resident of your country but currently “travelling for work or education”.
  • Provides vague answers, misleading information, or “beats around the bush” when asking questions.
  • Overly generous and wants to shower you with gifts right away.
    Pressures you to provide a number, go on a date, or does not take a no for an answer.
  • Pressures you to provide your home address to pick you up on the first few dates.
  • Shares inconsistent stories.
  • Requests or pressures you for photos, nudes, videos, video sex, or phone sex.
  • Uses harassing or offensive language.

Trust your instincts, they know better. Please know your local agencies such as the Police, Internet crime complaints, Center of Cyber Security, and Anti-fraud centers, and keep everything on record (pictures, messages, and phone calls).
Join me on the next blog, we can discuss safety when meeting in person through dating apps.