A woman waking up and stretching

Morning Routine

Wellness Blog

Associate Therapist, Anmol (Annie) Sandhar

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a morning person? I sure have; I have ALWAYS been a night owl, so I found it challenging to begin my days early. With the start of practicum, I recognize the importance of being an early riser, and to encourage myself to start my days sooner, I have incorporated a morning routine.

A morning routine refers to a habitual practice one goes through at the start of the day; it's the first hit of dopamine our brain receives. Dopamine plays a significant role in many areas of our human lives; as a hormone, a part of the brain's reward system, it impacts pleasure and drive. Our minds participate in behaviours that release dopamine; if something feels good, we will continue to do it. For example, I am sure most of us have been prone to waking up and grabbing our phones to scroll on social media, probably because dopamine is released, feeding into this morning habit. Endless scrolling may be enticing but beginning the day with purpose is foundational in reducing the stress of a rushed morning as it stimulates the brain for a productive day while enhancing one's mood.

Creating a mindful morning routine can set the tone for the rest of the day; hence, one must consider one's goal behind a morning routine. Think about it, what do you want out of your morning routine? What alternative dopamine activities can you incorporate into your routine?

Are you waking up early to enjoy the first quiet hours of the morning? With the goal of relaxation, one can begin their day with a guided meditation activity tailored to their needs. My favourite is the loving-kindness meditation, which brings out positive feelings of peace and connection. Another relaxing morning habit begins with the journaling prompt of setting an intention for the day or creating an affirmation. For example, on practicum days I wish to carry out the intention of genuine, empathetic and professional support for my clients.

One may want to begin a morning routine to kickstart physical activity. In this case, some consider a morning walk or gym session to alert the muscles in the body while also being diligent in nourishing the body with a solid breakfast. My go-to is a PB&J protein shake. Those with less mobility can do dynamic stretches such as neck rolls, arm circles or yoga poses like cat/cow; these simple but effective motions are handy in warming up the muscles and improving circulation.

A morning routine may be necessary to organize responsibilities to free up time for later. In this context, one can designate a consistent time in the morning when specific tasks need to be completed or create a to-do list the night before. Forming these habits can be challenging if seen as a set of chores; however, shifting the perspective to the aim of self-discipline provides structure and efficacy, boosting confidence.

Whatever the reason behind your morning routine, remember small, turtle steps go a long way in forming lasting habits; incorporating too many things at once can be overwhelming and discourage one from continuing. Begin with a one straightforward change, something as small as waking up to admire the sunrise or hydrating your body with a glass of water; hold yourself accountable to this one change for at least a week. As you get more comfortable, you can add more habits on a weekly or bi-weekly basis until your morning routine is where you would like it to be. It is not a race. It is a lifestyle choice, so take your time in creating a routine that is right for you and give yourself grace as you embrace the true essence of being a morning person.