A man smiling at a mirror before meditating

Bridging the Gap: Self-Awareness

Wellness Blog

Associate Therapist, Léa Chung

Self-awareness is important, but why?

One of the most critical roles self-awareness plays is in helping us recognize whether our behaviors align with our values and long-term goals. When there’s a mismatch between what you truly want and how you’re behaving, it can lead to feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction, or even anxiety.

The Consequences of Mismatch

When your actions consistently conflict with your values, you may experience internal discomfort. For example, if maintaining health is important to you, yet you find yourself making unhealthy choices, that misalignment can create an ongoing sense of guilt or frustration. Similarly, if you value long-term commitment but continuously engage in casual dating, the mismatch can leave you feeling unfulfilled or even anxious about your future.

How Self-Awareness Helps Bridge the Gap

Self-awareness acts as the first step in identifying these mismatches. By noticing the gap between your values and actions, you can begin to make choices that realign your life with what truly matters to you. This isn’t about perfection but about understanding yourself enough to adjust course when needed.

Practical Tips for Identifying and Addressing Mismatch

  • Reflect on Your Values: Clarify what your core values are and assess whether your current behaviors are aligned with them.
  • Recognize Mismatches: Observe any recurring behaviors that conflict with your long-term goals. Whether it’s in health, relationships, or work, identifying these patterns is the first step.
  • Small Course Corrections: Begin with small adjustments to bring your actions back into alignment with your values. For example, if you value health, start by making incremental changes to your diet or exercise routine.
  • Embrace the Discomfort: Recognizing that you’ve been living out of alignment can be uncomfortable. Use this feeling as an opportunity for growth rather than self criticism.
  • Check in Regularly: Regular self-reflection helps maintain awareness of how your behaviors are aligning with your values.

Most Importantly: Practice Self-Compassion

One of the most crucial aspects of this process is self-compassion. Alignment will be off at times, and that’s okay. Self-awareness is not about judging yourself harshly when you discover a mismatch between your actions and values. Instead, it’s an opportunity to gently course-correct. When you notice the gap, practice kindness towards yourself. Acknowledge that you're human and that making adjustments is a normal part of growth.

Self-compassion allows you to view these moments of misalignment as learning opportunities rather than failures. This perspective helps reduce the shame and self criticism that often accompany living out of sync with your values, empowering you to move forward with intention and grace.