A woman in a confrontation with a man


Wellness Blog

Associate Therapist, Léa Chung

Boundary violations occur when someone oversteps your personal limits, causing discomfort or harm. Recognizing these violations is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and personal well-being. To effectively deal with boundary violations, it is important to establish clear consequences. For instance, if someone makes inappropriate advances, you might decide to leave the situation immediately. Consistency is key; if you enforce your boundaries only occasionally, others may not take them seriously. When faced with pushback, stand your ground and calmly remind others of your limits, even if they feel hurt or offended. It’s essential to be firm, especially with close loved ones, and to reinforce that boundaries are meant to foster trust, not to harm relationships. If someone forgets your boundaries, gently but firmly remind them. Express any violations calmly to avoid escalating the situation; for example, if someone calls you names, calmly state that you won’t tolerate the abuse and remove yourself from the situation. Be patient with yourself and others as everyone makes mistakes and may need time to adjust to new boundaries. However, if someone persistently violates your boundaries despite repeated reminders, it may be necessary to cut them off to protect your peace of mind. This can include blocking them on social media or avoiding places where you might encounter them. By following these steps, you can effectively manage boundary violations and maintain healthier relationships.